



Which Edition of the Madden 18 Game Should You Buy

Which Edition of the Madden 18 Game Should You Buy

There is much anticipation surrounding the release of Madden 18, slated for 25th August 2017. There are several changes to the editions of the Madden 18 game this year. With Madden 17, the special edition was the Deluxe Edition. This year, you’ll find two editions available again. They are Madden 18 and Madden 18 G.O.A.T. The G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) version is the special edition this year and its cover athlete is Tom Brady.

There are reasons to buy the special edition this year, even if you aren’t planning on playing Ultimate Team or purchasing MUT coins. First, the special edition is actually slated for 22nd August, three full days before Madden 18 is scheduled to release. Additionally, the special edition can be played on various systems. The standard edition is only available for play on PS4 and Xbox One. So, it can’t be played on Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, or PS3.

There are different price points for Madden 18 and the G.O.A.T version. The standard version will cost you $59.99 while the special edition sells for $79.99. With the standard edition of the game, you get the full game as well as 5 Madden 18 Ultimate Team Squad Packs and 1 elite player from your favorite team. This isn’t necessarily the version for you if you are looking to play Madden Ultimate Team with Madden 19 coins. So, the pro with the standard version is that it will cost you less, the con is that there are several upgraded features available with the special edition. And with the standard edition, you have to be playing on PS4 or Xbox One.

With the G.O.A.T. special edition, you can expect to get a good number of improved features than with the standard edition. To start, you’ll still get the full game, 1 elite player and the 5 Madden Ultimate Team squad packs but you’ll also get 7 Madden Ultimate Team squad packs in addition to that. Then you’ll get 1 elite G.O.A.T. player, 1 MUT uniform pack, and 2500 contracts. And you get to purchase 3 days before the standard edition is released. The special edition is the best option if you are looking to play Madden Ultimate Team and are interested in cheap madden coin.

There are a total of 5 G.O.A.T. players that are available with the special edition. They are Jerry Rice, Barry Sanders, Deion Sanders, Ray Lewis, and of course Tom Brady. The expectation is that you’ll be able to choose your own players as opposed to having one assigned to you. Much of that is still unknown. So, the pro with the special edition is that you get several additional features, including early access, over the standard edition. The only real con to purchasing the special edition, is that it will cost you a bit more.




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