



The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Hydrocele

Causes of hydrocele

Hydrocele is often caused by orchitis, epididymitis, toaumas or tumors. Some of hydrocele are caused by abnormal latch of protal processus vaginails of peritoneum. Hydrocele includes hydrocele of the testis, funicularhydrocele, communicating hydrocele, and hydrocele of the testis is the most common one.
Symptoms and signs of hydrocele
A hydrocele is characterized as a non-painful, soft swelling of the scrotum (one or both sides). The result of transillumination test is positive. The tunica vaginalis can be impaled and we can extract fluid from it. Cmmunicating hydrocele has the feature of lessening when lying low. Funicularhydrocele can lead to a hydrocyst, and the testis and epididymis can be touched under the hydrocyst. 
Hydrocele of the testis commonly occur on one side of the testis, and the main feature is the enlargement of scrotum at one side. If the hydrops is much, patients can feel it''''s heavy after standing for a long time. The surface of scrotum is often smooth and relective. Secondary hydrocele often have orchitis and epididymitis'''' symptoms. Long-term hydrocele can cause a functional disorder of the testis and even infertility.
Treatment of hydrocele with TCM
Severe hydrocele have many bad influences of daily life, so patients need to take treatment positively. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can treat orchitis and epididymitis when treat hydrocele. Before the treatment, the symptoms and causes, such as orchitis and epididymitis, should be found. In the treatment of hydrocele with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, bacteria can be killed first. With herbs which can treat the inflammation, promote Qi and release pain, and the herbs which can clear away heat and toxic material, the lesion can be eliminated. Traditional Chinese medicine which have complex recipe have a comprehensive function in eliminating all symptoms, and hydrocele can be cured radically.

source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Radical_Cure/2011/0412/393.html


The three main causes of prostatitis for teenagers

It is known that middle-aged people are most likely to suffer from prostatitis. However, according to the report, teenagers have become the high-risk groups of prostatitis. The followings are the three main causes of prostatitis for teenagers.

First, most teenagers usually have the experience of Holding back urine which is easy to cause prostatitis. For example, they are too busy playing to have piss; they wouldn’t like to urinate in the cold winter; they are so focus on watching TV and listening stories that they are unwilling to have urination. It is probable for them to lead to prostatitis.
Second, for some teenagers with redundant prepuce, they are more likely to cause balanitis and urethritis. Due to redundant prepuce, inflammation of balanitis and urethritis can flow back to prostate from the open urethral canal and ejaculatory duct, which is the main cause of prostatitis. It is reported that the youngest teenager of prostatitis was 12 years old.
Third, there is a common secret for boys and girls in adolescence that is masturbation. As we all know that masturbation means one uses the hand to fondle his pudendum in order to be satisfied on the psychological.
In fact, it is common to have occasional masturbation, which can’t bring harm to people’s mind and body,  because people with occasional masturbation are hard to have the symptoms of decreased food appetite, mental burnout, tetraparesis. However, the bad habit of frequent masturbation not only can cause diseases like prostatitis, but also lead to sexual dysfunction that can severely affect the physical and psychological health.
Therefore, if teenagers are too absorbed in masturbation, it is to cause lasting congestion of prostate while congestion is the symptom of infection. At last, they have to face the problems of prostatitis.
All in all, it is the tendency that more and more teenagers have been confused by prostatitis. Therefore, once diagnosis, they have to take suitable treatment in time. Considering the damage of antibiotics for teenagers, it is suggested that they’d better take TCM like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill without any side effect. Besides, diuretic anti-inflammatory pill, which is made from pure natural herbs, can cure prostatitis once and for all.

Diet for Patients with Prostate Problems such as prostatitis and BPH

A diet that promotes heart health will also benefit the prostate. For example, limiting the intake of fat and red meats is recommended, as are abstaining from the use of tobacco and using alcohol only in moderation. A prostate-healthy diet can help you battle several conditions, including prostatitis, prostate cancer and benign  prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is not a cancer, but it can be an indicator of future problems.
Foods to Avoid
Ingesting too much animal fat, protein or even too much food in general can lead to BPH. BPH frequently goes hand in hand with higher prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, an indicator of prostate cancer risk.
If you already have prostate problems, it's wise to avoid pickled and salty foods as well as foods that are high in preservatives. Cereals, breads and pastas that contain refined flour should also be avoided.
Foods high in calcium can stimulate the growth of prostate cancer. Consequently, dairy products should be avoided because of their high calcium content. Soy milk and other soy products are a better choice. Sweet treats and coffee can be enjoyed, but only in moderation.
Prostate-Healthy Foods
The first rules for a prostate-healthy diet are to eat only when you are hungry and don't overeat.
Cold-water fish, such as salmon, sardines and trout, contain alpha omega 3 fatty acids and are recommended because they can promote prostate health.
A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables is very important. Leafy green vegetables, such as lettuce, arugula, spinach, mustard greens and Swiss chard, are especially good for the prostate. Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and kale will promote prostate health as well, as will cauliflower.
Red grapes and red grape juice are also beneficial to the prostate. Red wine, consumed in moderation, can be part of a prostate-healthy diet. Tomatoes are rich in  antioxidants and should be a regular part of the diet of someone dealing with prostrate issues. Fresh tomatoes, tomato pastes and sauces can also be beneficial. Other prostrate-friendly fruits include bananas, peaches, cherries, pears and apples.
Nuts and whole grains are also good for battling prostate problems. Brazil nuts contain antioxidants that are important in fighting prostate cancer. The antioxidants in olive oil and green tea can help battle prostate problems as well.

Dietary supplements
Taking dietary supplements that are good for the prostate can provide a simple way to augment prostate health. A daily multivitamin that contains B complex is recommended. The mineral zinc is beneficial to the immune system and can help promote prostate health as well, as can vitamins C and D.

Introduction about five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes

Tubal blockage is a kind of severe disease which will finally cause female infertility. As it does great harm to women's health, attention should be paid to this disease. There are many reasons that induce the blockage, and in this article, the author mainly introduces five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes.
1. Salpingitis: 
Once salpingitis occurs, the opening of fallopian tubes, especially the one which is used to pick up eggs (the umbrella end), is partly or completely obstructed. In addition, salpingitis can also cause the adhesion of inner tubal lining, making the lumen narrow or atresic. As a result, the transportation of eggs, sperms and fertilized eggs are impeded, finally leading to infertility. What's worse, inflammation can spread to the pelvic peritoneum, uterus and the surrounding organs, eventually leading to the hardening of these organs and their ineffective activity. And the fallopian tubes will become stiff and twisted, reaching an incurable degree.
2. Pelvic adhesion:
In the pelvic cavity, adhesion often occurs in the ovary or at the end of the fallopian tubes. And sometimes the fallopian tubes may be adhered to the adjacent organs, disturbing their normal functioning. Under these circumstances, fallopian tubes are also blocked.
3. Sexually transmitted diseases
Due to the increased extramarital sex and sexual partners, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) also rises. These STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma can easily affect the fallopian tubes if they are not timely or completely treated. 
4. Inflammation after abortion 
Abortion not only terminates the pregnancy, but also tends to cause inflammation. Because of the inflammation and scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, tubal blockage is very likely to occur.  Besides, the embryonic tissue and embryo appendages can also invade into the fallopian tubes, resulting in fallopian tube obstruction. Although this kind of obstruction only has an incidence about 1%, it deserves attention. 
5. Infection after appendicular perforation
For women who have a history of appendicular perforation, the opportunity of tubal blockage will increase. In the result of a contrastive study, the chance of tubal blockage is 4.8 times higher in the experimental group than that in control group. The reason is that, the appendix is close to the fallopian tube, so the infection can easily spread to fallopian tubes and cause scar tissue. 
Once suffering from the above conditions, females must receive timely and appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Only in this way can tubal blockage be effectively prevented and the risk of infertility be greatly reduced. For most gynecological inflammations, chlamydia and mycoplasma, patients can take patented medicine- fuyan pill- to get a cure. Wish all patients soon recovery!

What Happens if I Get my Chlamydia Untreated?

As one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia is not easy to be found since symptoms are not apparent and unknowingly passed to sexual partners.
When infected chlamydia, some female patients don’t care about it because they think symptoms of Chlamydia are common for women, some others think: “what happens if I get my chlamydia untreated?” Dr. Lee said females will run the high risk of several health problems if they get chlamydia untreated.
First of all, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be caused by chlamydia infection. And PID, an infection of the female reproductive organs, is the main killer for the fallopian tubes, which means fallopian tubes may be blocked because of chlamydia infection. Then the following fatal consequence is infertility for women.
Secondly, when patients with chlamydia infection are pregnant, it is easy to result in ectopic pregnancy. Because of the blocked fallopian tubes caused by chlamydia infection, the fertilized egg can’t implant in the uterus but developing in the fallopian tube. Therefore, patients have to bear the huge harm from not only physically but also psychologically. 
Thirdly, ever if it is successful to be pregnant in the uterus, chlamydia infection may cause premature births which are dangerous for both mothers and new babies. What is worse, those new babies may be infected with chlamydia when they born because the infection can be passed along from the mother to her baby during childbirth. So those new babies maybe suffer from eye infection, blindness or pneumonia.
Last but not least, patients who have been infected by chlamydia have to be troubled by the long-term pain. Symptoms of chlamydia infection include painful periods, pain when urinating and having sex, abdominal pain with fever, bleeding during periods, abnormal vaginal discharge that may have an odor, itching or burning in or around the vagina, which can influence the daily life severely.
To sum up, it is not a piece of a cake for chlamydia infection. Dr. Lee suggests women should go the hospital and have an exam if they are not sure about infecting chlamydia. And fuyan pill, the Chinese herbal medicine, is alternative with its efficacy of eliminating inflammation, killing bacteria, clearing heat and promoting blood circulation.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Chlamydia_Infection/2014/0805/217.html


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